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NSBE44 Recap

Meet our NSBE44 attendees!

Allstate recently attended the 44th annual National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Convention. We caught up with JoAnne, one of our attendees from Product Technology, to get her recap from the event. Read her thoughts below.

“The National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) has existed for 44 years and has evolved into an organization that has programs and membership extending from high school and college students to professionals in all disciplines of engineering. The goal and commitment of NSBE is to widen the pool of engineering talent from Black communities. NSBE is expanding its pipeline from third grade to graduate school by designing tools and programs that will support and nurture budding engineers. Through its 350 pre-collegiate, collegiate and professional chapters NSBE trains its 31,000 members for leadership within the organization and in business.

Some of the programs that NSBE has designed to prepare future engineers are: Competitions, Scholarships, Strategic Partnerships (e.g. GEM, ASCE, Society of Women Engineers, etc.) and Summer Engineering (SEEK – Summer Engineering for Kids). NSBE events include camps, competitions, conferences, webinars and conventions.

At this year’s convention 250 companies participated in the Career Fair with over 12,000 engineering students seeking internships and permanent positions. NSBE also sponsored sessions for mock interviews, resume review, dress for success and provided free headshots to all interviewees. There were several seminars and workshops designed for engineering students. There was also a small marketplace of vendors where attendees could purchase items such as jewelry, t-shirts and art.

The Allstate team included recruiters, hiring managers and individual contributors that represented different technology areas within the company. The highlight of the convention was the Career Fair where the Allstate booth was positioned in an excellent location. This gave us the opportunity to interface with a large amount of students. They discovered there is more to Allstate than expected. They discovered that there are opportunities in technology for engineers. We collected several hundred resumes of engineers interested in both internships and permanent employment.

What I found most rewarding was volunteering for Resume review. This gave me the opportunity to interact first-hand with students and young professionals. I found them to be intelligent, determined individuals with the desire to succeed. There was representation from schools across the country with even sophomores and freshmen preparing for internships. After working on resumes, I encountered some of them at the Career Fair and they reported success at obtaining interviews with their updated resumes. We also hosted a very successful Hospitality event where students could relax, eat and socialize while asking more questions about the company. Partnering with NSBE provides access to an untapped pool of resources that are potential, future innovators in technology. This was my first opportunity to represent the company at a career event and if asked to attend future conventions, my answer would be a definite Yes.”

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Attending NSBE, Creating Experiences

Denise adds National Society of Black Engineers’ 44th Convention to Allstate Experiences

Allstaters will be attending the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) 44th National Convention in Pittsburgh, PA on March 21st. Denise, a manager of the Program Management Office (PMO) in Allstate Technology Strategic Ventures (ATSV), will be one of the attendees.

Denise currently leads the communications, training, and change management team in the PMO. She has ben engaged in the growth, development and evolution of this organization of 450+ people who support technology projects at Allstate for the past 6 years. She has been involved in leading multiple teams, hiring top talent, coaching and creating a culture of learning and development. After 33 years at Allstate, Denise has watched the company grow in multiple ways from technology and products to people and culture. She is proud to work for a progressive company that is committed to being a choice employer and providing the tools, resources and opportunities that attracts and retains top talent. She is excited to be adding the NSBE National Convention to her list of Allstate endeavors.

Denise is looking forward to Allstate’s attendance because of the impact it will have on the diversity pipeline. Allstate is committed to growing its diverse talent and creating a positive culture and environment where all employees can be successful. Denise feels that attending conferences hosted by groups like NSBE allows Allstate to gain exposure to more candidates from diverse backgrounds and engage in one-on-one dialogue with candidates to talk about why Allstate is a great place to work.

According to Denise, “we are looking for candidates with certain skills, experience and abilities. With that said, we are also very intentional in hiring diverse candidates that bring new and different perspectives, insights and experiences and are passionate about sharing them. We want you to bring your whole self to work!”

The conference is coming up soon and Denise can’t wait to meet other NSBE44 attendees so she can share why she loves Allstate so much. In addition to great career opportunities and workplace culture, Allstate takes social responsibility seriously and encourages and empowers employees to be engaged in volunteering to support our communities here and abroad by “giving back.” Denise feels this sets Allstate apart from other employers. “Allstate isn’t just a job,” Denise says, “it’s an experience. I want people to come to Allstate because we’ll invest in them – their skills, their wellbeing, their interests. It’s a total package.”

Allstate will be at booth #611 and hosting the hospitality suite #328 at NSBE44. Come meet Denise and other Allstaters during the convention and learn even more about upcoming opportunities at Allstate.