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PLAN Named Top 20 ERG

The Professional Latino Allstate Network (PLAN) Employee Resource Group (ERG) has been selected by LATINA Style as one of the Top 20 Employee Resource Groups of the Year for 2018

PLAN’s commitment to mentorship and member empowerment. Allstate’s culture of diversity and inclusion allows all individuals to bring their whole selves to work and to succeed in their personal and professional growth. Read what Candace, the PLAN President, says about the ERG and its importance at Allstate.

“As with many others, when I first began my career with Allstate, it was difficult to navigate the large corporate setting. I felt as if I was in my own little bubble and wasn’t sure how to build my community. I was invited to attend a Professional Latinos at Allstate Network (PLAN) meeting where I learned about how my voice could have weight in a conversation and comfort that I could have a seat at the table. During that meeting, I met likeminded individuals with similar backgrounds and as I networked, I felt more comfortable in my ‘Allstate skin’.


The more I networked with PLAN members, the more I felt I belonged and that Allstate was the company for me; that I could navigate the large corporate setting and find my own path in an organization as large as Allstate. I became more engaged in my work, my network and I wanted to do more. I joined the PLAN community service committee and worked with non-profit organizations to enhance Allstate’s brand and reputation in communities we serve and that became a turning point for my involvement and engagement with Allstate.


I’ve been part of the PLAN board as a leader since 2008. As a member of the board, I grew personally and professionally outside of my daily work activities, from leadership, strategy development and planning to emotional intelligence and diversity training and so much more. Now as the president of PLAN, I’m honored to lead such an amazing team of individuals from across the organization and country. We collectively push the envelope and strive to provide our members and friends with the tools and support they need, to themselves, engage with Allstate at new levels and capacities. PLAN is important to Allstate, not only to encourage employee engagement, development and retention but to also provide open forums and opportunities where our members & friends can learn and grow with likeminded individuals with similar experiences and diverse backgrounds so that they can bring their whole selves to work.”

Ready to join a company committed to helping you grow in an inclusive environment? Apply to one of our open roles today.


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Finding Allstate Talent at ALPFA

Attending ALPFA to Build Connections

In August, Allstate attended the 2018 ALPFA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Allstate was represented by nine team members from Human Resources, Inclusive Diversity, Sales Distribution, Independent Agency, Claim Reserves, and Data, Discovery, and Decision Science.

Allstaters participated in attracting talent, professional development and purposeful networking. With nearly 100 attendees at the Allstate-sponsored workshop featuring Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Allstate leaders speaking on a panel, Allstate was connecting with participants at every turn.

Becky, a member of Allstate Leadership Development Program, attended on behalf of Allstate and had this to say about her experience:

“This year I had the honor of representing Allstate at the 2018 ALPFA National Convention. ALPFA has been an organization near and dear to my heart since my freshman year of college and it, ultimately, led me to Allstate. I am proud to work for a company that supports the mission of organizations like ALPFA.

At this year’s convention Allstaters got to network and learn from local and national leaders of the organization. This enabled us to better understand the direction of ALPFA and how Allstate plays a role in their story. We also had several opportunities to discuss diversity recruiting best practices with other leaders across other Fortune 100 companies. Allstate offered an intriguing workshop, led by Dr. Robert Rodriguez, around latinx executive leadership and his findings after interviewing 20 latinxs at the c-suite level. We also had the opportunity to meet and interview bright candidates during the career fair.

Allstate had a strong presence throughout the convention. We look forward to continuing to partner with ALPFA as we support the latinx community and bring top talent to Allstate.”

Check out our events page to see where else we’re heading or view our open roles to apply today.