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Meet the 2019 Summer Interns

Get to Know the 2019 Summer Interns

Every summer Allstate welcomes interns in our offices across the country. Interning at Allstate provides you with so much more than just work experience. There are weekly lunch and learns to learn about different business topics, mentoring meetings and interns gain a broad view of how a company is run. Not to mention, you get to meet and work with people who are just as passionate about helping others and making a difference as you are.

Meet 4 of our 2019 Summer Interns:


School: Texas Christian University

Internship Role: Learning and Development Intern

“As a Learning and Development intern, I get a firsthand view of the investments that Allstate makes in their own employees. The nature of my work gives me the opportunity to connect with colleagues all around the world. With my second internship with Allstate coming to a close, I know my experience with Allstate will impact my career for the rest of my life.”


School: The University of Alabama

Internship Role: Financial Analyst Intern on the ABD Team in 360 Finance

What has been your favorite experience at Allstate so far? My favorite experience has been all the opportunities to network in and out of my team. It has been so valuable as an intern to learn from so many different people about their careers and what they enjoy about working at Allstate.

What do you like about your internship? I like that my internship has given me the opportunity to collaborate with my team on a wide variety of projects, and I get to see the real impact of the work I am doing within Allstate.


School: University of Miami

Internship Role: Product Owner Intern

What do you like about your internship? I enjoy learning about the different projects my team is working on and how each person’s role plays into the success of the projects. This is my first experience working virtually with a team, and it’s been great! I have also enjoyed gaining firsthand knowledge in the product owner role about how the business and technology departments work together to produce the best products and services for their end users. I’ve truly been welcomed into the Allstate family, and I am excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store.


School: Epic Academy Charter High School

ATSV: Digital Studio Technology

“Since the beginning of my internship with

Allstate they have showed me nothing but kindness and constantly give me ways to improve my work. I’m currently working in the technology department, and Allstate is giving me the experience of what would it be like working with coding, as well as formulating strong presentation skills.”