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Finding Allstate Talent at ALPFA

Attending ALPFA to Build Connections

In August, Allstate attended the 2018 ALPFA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Allstate was represented by nine team members from Human Resources, Inclusive Diversity, Sales Distribution, Independent Agency, Claim Reserves, and Data, Discovery, and Decision Science.

Allstaters participated in attracting talent, professional development and purposeful networking. With nearly 100 attendees at the Allstate-sponsored workshop featuring Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Allstate leaders speaking on a panel, Allstate was connecting with participants at every turn.

Becky, a member of Allstate Leadership Development Program, attended on behalf of Allstate and had this to say about her experience:

“This year I had the honor of representing Allstate at the 2018 ALPFA National Convention. ALPFA has been an organization near and dear to my heart since my freshman year of college and it, ultimately, led me to Allstate. I am proud to work for a company that supports the mission of organizations like ALPFA.

At this year’s convention Allstaters got to network and learn from local and national leaders of the organization. This enabled us to better understand the direction of ALPFA and how Allstate plays a role in their story. We also had several opportunities to discuss diversity recruiting best practices with other leaders across other Fortune 100 companies. Allstate offered an intriguing workshop, led by Dr. Robert Rodriguez, around latinx executive leadership and his findings after interviewing 20 latinxs at the c-suite level. We also had the opportunity to meet and interview bright candidates during the career fair.

Allstate had a strong presence throughout the convention. We look forward to continuing to partner with ALPFA as we support the latinx community and bring top talent to Allstate.”

Check out our events page to see where else we’re heading or view our open roles to apply today.

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Attending NSBE, Creating Experiences

Denise adds National Society of Black Engineers’ 44th Convention to Allstate Experiences

Allstaters will be attending the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) 44th National Convention in Pittsburgh, PA on March 21st. Denise, a manager of the Program Management Office (PMO) in Allstate Technology Strategic Ventures (ATSV), will be one of the attendees.

Denise currently leads the communications, training, and change management team in the PMO. She has ben engaged in the growth, development and evolution of this organization of 450+ people who support technology projects at Allstate for the past 6 years. She has been involved in leading multiple teams, hiring top talent, coaching and creating a culture of learning and development. After 33 years at Allstate, Denise has watched the company grow in multiple ways from technology and products to people and culture. She is proud to work for a progressive company that is committed to being a choice employer and providing the tools, resources and opportunities that attracts and retains top talent. She is excited to be adding the NSBE National Convention to her list of Allstate endeavors.

Denise is looking forward to Allstate’s attendance because of the impact it will have on the diversity pipeline. Allstate is committed to growing its diverse talent and creating a positive culture and environment where all employees can be successful. Denise feels that attending conferences hosted by groups like NSBE allows Allstate to gain exposure to more candidates from diverse backgrounds and engage in one-on-one dialogue with candidates to talk about why Allstate is a great place to work.

According to Denise, “we are looking for candidates with certain skills, experience and abilities. With that said, we are also very intentional in hiring diverse candidates that bring new and different perspectives, insights and experiences and are passionate about sharing them. We want you to bring your whole self to work!”

The conference is coming up soon and Denise can’t wait to meet other NSBE44 attendees so she can share why she loves Allstate so much. In addition to great career opportunities and workplace culture, Allstate takes social responsibility seriously and encourages and empowers employees to be engaged in volunteering to support our communities here and abroad by “giving back.” Denise feels this sets Allstate apart from other employers. “Allstate isn’t just a job,” Denise says, “it’s an experience. I want people to come to Allstate because we’ll invest in them – their skills, their wellbeing, their interests. It’s a total package.”

Allstate will be at booth #611 and hosting the hospitality suite #328 at NSBE44. Come meet Denise and other Allstaters during the convention and learn even more about upcoming opportunities at Allstate.