Danielle is a Claim Litigation Attorney in the Dispute Resolution Services group and attended the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland.
When did you join Allstate?
I joined Allstate in January 2019 as a Senior Associate Counsel in Claim Litigation in the Dispute Resolution Services group. Claim Litigation provides legal advice and counsel related to the resolution of disputes. We provide advice and counsel on matters that are not in litigation in addition to those that are in litigation and those moving toward litigation.
What made you decide to join the company?
I was looking for a challenging position where I would have the ability to use my skills as a trial attorney to provide guidance and assistance. During my research of Allstate, I saw a commitment to diversity and inclusion and an emphasis on work-life balance. These three attributes combined were very important to me in making my decision to ultimately apply and come work for Allstate.
What’s different from Allstate?
The employee resource groups (ERG) are really great and further the purpose of Allstate’s commitment to inclusive diversity. I’m a member of Parents Working Together (PWT) and the African American Working Network (AAWN). There are many opportunities to step out of your subject matter expertise and learn new things, which is encouraging when it comes to developing yourself. If you’re interested in learning more about an area within the Law & Regulation department, you’re encouraged to do so. If there’s an area you want to be more involved with that isn’t with the department, that’s also available.
What work are you most proud of?
The work I’m most proud of at Allstate is outside of my day-to-day work responsibilities and perhaps not the traditional definition of work. Since 2005, Law & Regulation has participated in Street Law’s Legal Diversity Pipeline Program. Every year, members of Law & Regulation volunteer their time and teach law to students at local high schools. As a volunteer, I was able to teach a class this past spring about intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence (commonly known as “domestic violence”) is a subject matter I am professionally familiar with, and passionate about, as both a former prosecutor and a former law clerk in the domestic violence unit of the Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office. In April, I participated in a one-day culminating event where those same students I previously mentioned came to our Home Office and participated in mock trials, mock oral arguments, etc. The students were very engaged, it was a fulfilling experience, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Are there other things you’re involved with at Allstate?
During Bring Out the Good Month, I had the opportunity to go downtown and watch a clemency hearing. This is something I have an interest in given my background in criminal law, and just recently I received my first case. This is great for me because I can combine my work with my other area of expertise. Through Allstate and Bring Out the Good Month, I had the opportunity to volunteer with Bernie’s Book Bank which is a non-profit organization that donates new and used books to children in the Chicagoland area. I also had the opportunity to volunteer with, and provide clothing donations, Cradles to Crayon which is a non-profit organization that provides children who are homeless or living in low-income situations with essential items they need. I am also presently a Law and Regulation Catalyst for Allstate’s 2019 Global Learning Week. Global Learning Week is a week filled with great learning events and is also another example of Allstate’s encouragement of continuous learning. As a member of the Law & Regulation Catalyst team, I will be working with a team of catalysts to get the word out about the learning events available during this week.
What are your favorite parts of your job and team?
My favorite part of my job is that I love that I’m still involved with litigation. I also receive a lot of exposure to new legal topics (things are always changing in law) and I enjoy reviewing new case law and evaluating the applicability to matters I am involved with. As far as my team, we are a very collaborative group, with different professional backgrounds, which makes for interesting discussions because of the diverse perspectives. There is a wealth of legal knowledge in Claim Litigation.
What qualities do people need to be successful here?
You need to have the ability to adapt because things are always changing, especially with law. Litigation moves at two speeds, fast and slow. When it moves fast, you need to be able to respond promptly and appropriately and that requires adaptability and flexibility. Everyone appreciates someone who can quickly adapt to change, especially unexpected change.
Outside of work you can be found doing?
I’m not a Chicago native, so I’m often exploring the city and surrounding suburbs via kids’ activities with my family.
Fun fact: I’m a big Beyoncé fan. I have been to every single tour that she has ever had, both solo and in a group.
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