Allstate named NAFE Top Company for Executive Women
Allstate is proud to be named one of the 2018 NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women by the National Association for Female Executives, to recognize American corporations where women have significant clout to make the decisions that affect their company’s future and its bottom line.
NAFE founded in 1972, serves 20,000 members nationwide with networking, tools and solutions to strengthen and grow their careers and businesses. Allstate strives to build the best possible environment for each individual employee to ensure their success. With the Allstate Women’s “I” Network (AWIN), Women in Technology at Allstate (WITA), the 2017 Women as Trailblazers Leadership Conference, and various other efforts, Allstate works hard to amplify the voices of women employees.
Allstate has been recognized for a variety of diversity initiatives and strides toward making the company and the surrounding communities an optimal place to excel. Learn more about life at Allstate and explore the ways you can succeed here.