Keeping Up with Change

Learn how Randy helps Allstate stay compliant.

At Allstate, we know compliance isn’t always a “fun” topic, but it helps us uphold our strong ethics. Laws and regulations must be followed in order to avoid unfair treatment or practices and of course to avoid any kind of legal action against a person or organization.

Randy, a Senior Compliance Manager at Allstate, strongly agrees that “compliance adds business value.” Randy oversees the regulatory compliance program, a big role since he works with the entire Allstate enterprise.

Just as fast as the rules change, Allstate must keep up with them and make sure every department is staying current. That’s why it is important for Randy to be knowledgeable in a number of different areas.

“Being a true compliance professional is a complex and interesting job because to do it well, you need to know a lot.” -Randy, Senior Compliance Manager at Allstate

Randy further explains, “You have to really know and understand the business model of the area in which you work to see how it’s impacted by the regulatory environment, and you have to know how to ensure compliance while also allowing for high levels of business growth. You also need to have some understanding of the technology systems that [support] your business area, so you can implement process changes that are required to bring us into compliance in the most efficient way. Finally, you have to understand how your area’s business and systems touch other areas to avoid unwanted impacts and/or involve others as needed.”

Randy likes the variety of work he does as it really keeps him on his toes. “We never know what new law is going to come up or what question or issue might arise from that.” Randy also knows that the work he does is valuable because it provides consistency and oversight to the compliance operation across the entire Allstate enterprise.

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